
You may submit the appropriate registration form by the following methods:

  1. Complete the appropriate registration form online, or;
  2. Download the appropriate form, fill it out then drop off, mail, scan, email, or fax your completed form to [email protected] (fax 403-314-1798). Our mailing address is:

    Shalom Counselling Centre
    5515 27 Ave,
    Red Deer, AB T4P 0E5

Your counsellor is usually assigned within 3 business days of receiving your form. If you have not received a call to set up your first appointment by this time, please email ([email protected]) or call us at (403) 342-0339 to confirm your appointment status.

Confidentiality and privacy are held to a high standard at Shalom Counselling Centre, however if you choose to complete and submit forms to us online, your privacy cannot be guaranteed for any communication taking place via the internet.

For more information about Shalom, call us at 403-342-0339 or email [email protected].

*Please note, we are not accepting applications for children under the age of 12 years old at this time due to our child play therapist retiring. We will announce on our website and facebook when we have filled the position and will be accepting new applications for children.

Adult Background Information Form

  1. Fill out the Background Information Form online
  2. Download the Background Information Form, fill it out then drop off, mail, scan, email, or fax your completed form

Child Intake Form

  1. Fill out the Child Intake Form online
  2. Download the Child Intake Form, fill it out then drop off, mail, scan, email, or fax your completed form

Parents of Minors, please download and return the Parental Consent Form